Gym Lingo

Gym Lingo

The AKT program is designed based on science to help you build a strong foundation of fitness fundamentals.

This is when you perform an exercise to failure, then quickly reduce the amount of weight and push out as many more reps as you can with the lighter weight.

Generally means perform an exercise to failure. After your initial set, you pause briefly. This "rest period" is typically 15-20 seconds.

These are like drop sets, except you start light and build up to heavy, then drop the weight back to light.

Negatives are performed by controlling the tempo of the repetition and slowing down the lowering phase of the lift to an approximate 3-5 second rep count.

Pulses are moving just a few inches above and below the point of maximum tension, this will be combined with full range of motion exercises.

These are consecutive sets, no rest in between. It can be done for the same muscle, like chest press followed by chest flies, or for opposing muscles like back and chest. Ex:

Shoulder Press Lateral Raise

These sets target one muscle group by doing three exercises quickly, one right after the other, to failure/fatigue using challenging weights and high reps.

As many reps as possible, indicates the number of repetitions you should do in a certain time.

This is when you perform an exercise to failure, then quickly reduce the amount of weight and push out as many more reps as you can with the lighter weight.

Top set is the heaviest set performed in a workout.

Back off set is performed with a lighter load than the heaviest set. It is typically performed after the top set at a lighter load.
Rate of Perceived Exertion

The AKT program is 12 weeks long, 3 to 6 days a week based on your goals and fitness level. There will be a little change (progression) every other week. Make sure you track your weights, reps, and rest duration.

1 Daily activities, besides sleeping Active Recovery All day pace
2 Walking with purpose to a light jog Endurance Long slow distance
3 Running, biking and swimming can carry on a conversation Long steady aerobic endurance training
4 Breathing heavily, but can have a short conversation Tempo Hiking moderate terrain, tempo training
5 Can say short sentences Strength endurance training
6 Almost feels uncomfortable Threshold 10-30 minute intervals
7 Feels uncomfortable, can say 3 words Vo2 Max 3-8 minute work intervals
8 Feels uncomfortable, can barely speak a sentence Anaerobic Capacity Strength & Power training, 30 seconds to 3 min. max effort
9 Difficult to maintain intensity, can barely breath and speak a word
10 Out of breath, unable to talk Neuromuscular Power Max lifts, Sprinting under 10